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S.W.O.R.D. International - Next Level Thinking Born on the Battlefield

They say every failure is one more step closer to success but in a critical mission environment , failure in either your weapons systems or your training is NFG and leads to catastrophic results.

While serving in the 2nd battalion , 75th ranger regiment, Garrett Schwindel and Jeremy Elrod noticed that difficulties of the battle field could be linked to the severe shortcomings in the quality and performance of the weapons systems they used . They realized the same issues were also prevalent in the weapons they used as high level private contractors.

From this experience, Special Warfare Operations Research and Development (S.W.O.R.D. )International was forged. Mr. Schwindel and Mr. Elrod began an uncompromisable mission to take their battlefield experience and apply it directly to manufacturing the best small arms solution for use by the silent professionals still down range, Law Enforcement and first responders as well as for high level civilian shooters.

The BFO for them was that, for almost 50 years, there was a complete lack of forward progress in the evolution of the basic weapon platform that’s being given to our war-fighters. Since good ole Eugene introduced his new weapon system, innovation has been limited almost entirely to furniture, accessories and what goes on to the weapon to increase ancillary functions. But in general nothing has been done to the platform to make it better at it’s primary function as a combat weapon; efficiently, effectively and reliably allow good guys to take down bad guys with repeatable accuracy.

If insanity is expecting different results by doing the same thing over and over, then S.W.O.R.D is rock solid sane. Not only have they dissected Mr. Stoner’s platform top to bottom in a way no one else has, they are building a firearms company like no one else has.

Every part, and I mean every part, of the M16/M4 platform was meticulously examined and evaluated for fit, form and function. The perpetual question was WHY? WHY is this part here? WHY is it shaped and finished the way it is? Think of these guys as the Albert Einstein and Nicolai Tesla of combat ready small arms, except with more tattoos and better beards. Suffice it to say that S.W.O.R.D.’s firearms ain’t your grandaddy’s M16 or your daddy’s AR.

A high level holistic approach to superior design and business integrity is what completely sets S.W.O.R.D. apart. With war dog like dedication to providing their brothers down range with the highest quality weapons , they’ve refused to tarnish their vision for the glittering prizes of corporate backing. The team at S.W.O.R.D. would rather eat ramen noodles than see their work compromised (even just a little) in having their program managed by a corporate desk rider focused on the business matrix and sales dynamics. Their motivation; quality over profit, excellence over expense, lives over market share.

The story doesn’t end there. Realizing a superior rock chucker is only part of the warfighter package, S.W.O.R.D. offers high-level training programs that are sought out by snake eaters, “acronym” battle teams and 3 letter groups.

Both weapons and training are available to civilian shooters. Open and tailored to what ever skill level you bring to the range, these holistic programs break down shooting into the interaction of the psychology, physics and the neural physiology of sending rounds down range. Classes include Pistol, Carbine and Aerial Shooting.

Wait, what? Aerial shooting? Oh hell yeah. Being so close to Vegas you can lose some coin at black jack , get “drinks” at the Spearmint Rhino then head out to the desert to take out your frustrations farming lead while hanging out the side of an egg beater. Your man card can’t get punched any harder than that.

Check out weapons and training classes at COMING SOON: In depth reviews and analysis of their weapons and training classes!!!


4 rules of gun safety



  • Assume every weapon is loaded and treat it as such


  • Keep your finger off the trigger and out side the trigger guard until your sights are on target and you are ready to fire


  • Never point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to or wanting to destroy


  • Identify your target and what is behind it. Do not shoot at anything you have not positively identified


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